Policies for Korea’s Reunification

National reunification is the greatest wish of the entire Korean nation and the greatest patriotic cause of the nation.

The Three Charters for National Reunification serve as the sole guidelines for Korea’s reunification.

Chairman Kim Jong Il formulated the three principles for national reunification, ten-point programme of the great unity of the whole nation for national reunification and the plan of founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo clarified by President Kim Il Sung as the Three Charters for National Reunification.

The gist of the three principles for national reunification is independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity, and the ten-point programme of the great unity of the whole nation for national reunification sets forth the basic ways for accomplishing the historic cause of national reunification by the efforts of the Korean nation and making a joint effort to open the way for the nation by achieving the great unity of the nation.

The plan of founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo is a peaceful reunification proposal to found a federal state on the condition that the north and the south recognize and tolerate each other’s existing ideologies and social systems and as required by the aspirations and demands of the whole nation.

The Three Charters for National Reunification incorporate the spirit of national independence and embody the ennobling love for the country and nation to achieve reconciliation between the north and the south and the great unity of the whole nation, ensure peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and reunify the country in a peaceful manner.

The Three Principles of National Reunification, the June 15 Joint Declaration, the October 4 Declaration, the Panmunjom Declaration and the September Pyongyang Joint Declaration, which the north and the south agreed upon and announced to the whole world, are great reunification programmes common to the nation, which the entire Korean nation should hold fast to in developing inter-Korean relations and resolving the issue of national reunification.

The question of national reunification of the Korean people to put an end to territorial and national division and achieve the complete sovereignty of the country is, when all is said and done, an internal matter for the Korean nation and the issue which should be settled by the Korean people themselves.

The north and the south should respect and implement with sincerity the historic agreements that they signed before the nation and the world. This is of great importance in ushering in a new golden age for peace, prosperity and reunification of the Korean peninsula.

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