Mansu Hill Overflowing with Reverence

Baskets of flowers were sent to the statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill in Pyongyang by the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Anti-imperialist Forum of Germany, the president of the International Group of Italy, the family of Kim Sun Ok related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the family of Feng Zhongyun, a Chinese related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the Korean Friendship Association UK, the Switzerland-Korea Committee and others on the occasion of the Day of the Sun, the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.

The flower baskets were laid at the statues on April 13 and 14.

The ribbons of the floral baskets bore the letters “The Great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Will Always Be with Us” and “The Great Their Excellencies Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Will Be Immortal”.

Staff members of the UN resident coordinator`s office and country offices for the DPRK of UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, FAO, WFP and WHO visited Mansu Hill on April 13 to lay flower baskets at the statues of the great leaders and pay tribute to them.

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