Respect Paid to Workers

One May day in 2009, Chairman Kim Jong Il visited the then Taehung Youth Mine.

An official said that the mine had completed the magnesia clinker production line in keeping the actual conditions of the country.

The Chairman was so delighted that he said it was precisely the Korean mode of production and Juche-oriented industry, adding that if President Kim Il Sung had known this, he would have been so pleased.

And he spoke highly of its achievements: The workers of the Taehung Youth Mine are adding brilliance to the President’s revolutionary ideology, the Juche idea, not in words but through hard struggle. They have demonstrated its validity and vitality. They are laudable, indeed.

Praising that those who had been involved in the project were all heroes, he suggested renaming the mine the Taehung Youth Hero Mine.

Looking at the officials of the mine, Kim Jong Il said: As the workers are not here with me, I will pay my respect, as a token of admiration for them, to the map showing the fireproof materials production lines of our own style.

The respect was an expression of his greatest appraisal for and his great trust in the working class who had performed a great feat of labour for the building of a prosperous country.

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