Final Victors Are Korean People

After hearing the news about the Fifth Plenary Meeting of the Seventh WPK Central Committee held in the DPRK last year, the broad segments of the international community lavish praise on the daring spirit of the Korean people who are vigorously advancing through thick and thin.  

The Central Leadership of the Arab Baath Socialist Party in a statement said that the idea and line on the offensive for a frontal breakthrough are the just ones which enable the DPRK to hasten the victory of socialism, highly praising the spirit of offensive of Juche Korea which advances toward victory with firm confidence in the validity of their revolutionary cause and their own strength, while constantly adhering to the principle of independence in politics, self-sufficiency in the economy and self-reliance in defence.

The first secretary of the Maritime Territorial Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation said that the eye-opening achievements made by the Korean people are the brilliant fruition of the seasoned leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un.

The campaign for a frontal breakthrough is based on confidence in their national strength, he said.  

Expressing full support for the policy of the Workers` Party of Korea to possess a robust military capability and continue to build it up so that no country can dare to attack the DPRK, he said it will surely achieve the cause of building a socialist power under the wise leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un.  

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