One day in October Juche 103 (2014), Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un had a talk with officials. He said in the following vein:
Today I climbed Mt Paektu. Revolutionaries should experience the “feel” of the blizzards of Paektu. The blizzards of Paektu are a warm wind for the revolutionaries which enables them to harden their revolutionary faith and brings them miracle and victory, whereas they are a biting blast for the renegades of revolution which deals a crushing blow to them. Those who appreciate the “feel” of the blizzards of Paektu will become revolutionaries, and those who fail to do so will be reduced to renegades. To look back, those who had an aversion to climbing Mt Paektu and gave up doing so for fear of the blizzards of Paektu, were reduced to renegades and traitors. We should cherish the blizzards of Paektu, which sharpen the edge of our revolutionary faith and inspire us with firm confidence in final victory, and follow the road of revolution to the end.
His precious instruction, which means that only a person with firm revolutionary faith can invariably follow the road of revolution, is inspiring all the Korean army and people to live in this spirit.