On September 12, Juche 37(1948), a mass rally was held in Pyongyang to celebrate the establishment of the government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
That day President Kim Il Sung made a historic speech.
He spoke that the establishment of the government of the DPRK opened a brilliant new page in the history of the national struggle of Korean people for building an independent sovereign state and that the future of our Republic was promising and a vast road to victory opened before our nation. He stated that the government of the Republic would exert every effort for prosperity of the country and happy future of our nation.
“Let all of us firmly unite around the government of the Republic and advance toward the victorious building of democratic Korea.
Long live the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea!
Long live the Korean people!”
As soon as his speech was over, cheers of “hurrah!” rang out shaking the world.
The hearty cheers echoed at the mass rally was an outcry of the people’s oath wearing their firm faith and will to firmly unite around the President and build a prosperous independent sovereign state that tends toward the highest peak of the world.