Happy Children of DPRK

Children`s laughter is resounding across the DPRK as they are spending the winter vacation.

Classrooms, playgrounds, ice rinks, bases for extra-curricular activities, pleasure parks, scenic spots, squares and parks are brimming over with their laughter, livening up the whole country during the winter.

However, in the capitalist countries, children are falling victims to all kinds of social evils.

A news agency of a European country reported that more than 140 human trafficking cases were revealed in the country in recent years and most of the victims were women and children.

According to the white paper on crimes released by an Asian country’s justice ministry in 2019, the number of arrestees related to child abuse cases ratcheted up over the last five years and peaked in 2018.

The UNICEF in a recent statement said that more than 170 000 cases of severe crimes were committed on children in troubled areas of the world between 2010 and 2019.

While many people are worried that there might be “a generation with no prospect” in the world as an increasing number of children are falling victim to various crimes occurring amid famine, poverty and social disorder, all the children in the DPRK are growing up happily, displaying their aptitudes and fulfilling their hopes thanks to benefits of the State.

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