Visit to Bier of Late Hyon Chol Hae

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, visited the bier of Marshal of the Korean People’s Army Hyon Chol Hae, general adviser to the Ministry of National Defence of the DPRK and winner of the Order of Kim Il Sung and the Order of Kim Jong Il, on Friday to express deep condolences over his death.

He was accompanied by Choe Ryong Hae, Jo Yong Won, Kim Tok Hun, Pak Jong Chon and Ri Pyong Chol, who are members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, the members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, the members of the WPK Central Military Commission, leading officials of the Ministry of National Defence, commanders of the KPA services and commanders and political commissars of the army corps.

Amid the playing of dirge, the hall was wrapped in a bitter grief over the loss of the prominent political and military activist of the Party, state and revolutionary armed forces who was a soldier faithful to President Kim Il Sung and a revolutionary comrade-in-arms faithful to Chairman Kim Jong Il and the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

A wreath in the name of Kim Jong Un was laid before the bier of the deceased.

Also placed there were wreathes in the name of the WPK Central Committee, the WPK Central Military Commission, the Standing Committee of the DPRK Supreme People’s Assembly and the DPRK Cabinet.

Kim Jong Un paid a silent tribute to the memory of Hyon Chol Hae, a veteran of the armed forces organ of the DPRK and a trustworthy revolutionary who performed distinguished feats all his life in the sacred struggle to defend the sovereignty of the nation and the supreme interests of the country with the single-hearted and boundless loyalty and the spirit of devoted service to the Party, the revolution, the country and the people.

He went round the bier of the deceased with bitter grief over the loss of the precious revolutionary comrade who left an indelible and remarkable trace in Party building and the development of the revolutionary armed forces with absolute loyalty to the leader, the transparent revolutionary principle and uprightness.

Noting that Hyon Chol Hae had fully displayed matchless heroism and self-sacrificing spirit in the struggle to devotedly defend President Kim Il Sung for the past decades since the glorious days of his service in the bodyguard company during the grim Fatherland Liberation War and dedicated himself to the sacred cause of strengthening the KPA into the revolutionary armed forces faithful only to the leader’s guidance while acting as a close aide to Chairman Kim Jong Il providing the Songun revolutionary leadership during the Arduous March and the forced march, Kim Jong Un said that his death is a great loss to the Party, army and people that can be compensated with nothing.

All the Party members, men and officers of the KPA and people should follow his loyalty and revolutionary faith, always remembering the brilliant life of the veteran revolutionary that has been recorded as a gold star in the glorious history of feats of the revolutionary armed forces, he stressed.

He expressed his deep condolences to the bereaved family and warmly consoled them.


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